Friday, March 01, 2013


Please don't be so enamoured of a guy that you rush headlong into a marriage that is doomed to fail right from the get go!

If you have found God and love Him to smithereens, studying His word daily and growing in your relationship with Him, dont allow a man who has no root in God become your husband!

Dont allow the fact that you are growing older force you to marry a man who has basics as his knowledge about God!

We are to submit to our husbands. How can we submit to a man who doesnt submit to God? Who cant decypher between God's voice and the devil's? Who has never studies God's word on his own without the help od pastors, ODM and the likes?!!

Marriage is forever!! No going back. Dont make a mistake just because you are too eager. A mistake of such magnitude is one that you will have to live with for the rest of your life!!

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