Friday, March 01, 2013

Goal line tech to be used in the premier league

All 20 Premier League clubs will be expected to have goal-line technology systems put in place in their stadiums from as early as next season.


Two of the three licensed providers of the technology, Hawkeye (camera-based system) and GoalRef (sensors on the posts), are already in 'advanced talks' over the implementation of the plans, while FIFA licensed a third company, German firm CAIROS, which also uses magnetic fields earlier this week. A fourth company, also German, is expected to be licensed in the near future.

Premier League communications director Dan Johnson said clubs would not be able to opt-out of having a system but that the cost would not be prohibitive to the sides, who will all benefit from the bumper new television deals from 2013-14.

He told the Press Association: "We are in advanced discussions with two of the companies who provide the systems and we are working on the basis of having goal-line technology in place for the start of the season.

"All clubs will have to have the system to ensure the universal integrity of the competition, including those who are promoted.''

A meeting of the International Football Association Board (IFAB), the game's law-making body, will be told at a meeting in Edinburgh on Saturday that the first uses of technology at FIFA's Club World Cup in Japan in December were a resounding success.

Indeed, FIFA will report to IFAB that both systems worked without errors in Japan - all 21 goals scored in the tournament were flashed to the referee's wrist-device within a second of the ball crossing the line.

While a system will be put in place next year, it is still unsure which will be used. League chiefs will choose one suited to their needs, based on both cost and ease of implementation and use.

Information from the Press Association was used in this report

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