Thursday, February 21, 2013


PILGRIMS Like aliens from another planet We breathe the fresh breath of life in a new world Not dropping from the skies But pushed through her womb And with a cry so dear to her heart We became babies and welcomed a new earth From crawling like insects We stood our grounds On both feet we walked tall Not minding the pull of gravity We achieved greatness From afar you could tell of a possible destination Been visitors here We only have but a short while Not knowing when death will come knocking We live each day in expression Been pilgrims to this world And not of this world So like the creator we built our endpoint Dancing to the very music life plays Though we may last long Maybe we only live short Or perhaps we have more days to our calendar Or maybe it’s just for an hour But the truth will forever remain That we all are pilgrims here on earth Waiting for the receptionist to announce our flight Waiting for death to come fly us home

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