Monday, February 18, 2013



I have seen the smiles of a pregnant woman
I have seen the pains when she had to go through with the abortion
I have seen the joy of childbirth
I have heard the screams before she gave birth
I have seen the beauty of growing up
And I have felt the pains of becoming a man
With anguish I have seen the ugliness of life and had time to start the beauty of death
At birth we’re dead
Born to die but die only to live
I have felt the taste of her love
Drowned in the bliss of her hatred
I have seen the beauty in her tears and felt the texture of her smiles
I have heard her say those four letter word
And watched her turned into nothingness
In all I have been loved and hated at the same time
We love only to hate
And hate only because we love

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