Monday, February 18, 2013

duet with life

Duet with life
A duet with life
She sings I listen
In her rhythm I rhyme
Every line a note beyond tomorrow
Her every phrase a cipher solved by age
She drums, I dance
Every step a definition of my true being
She drums a rhythm known to the African dance steps
She played every note a depiction of life
She blew the flute of sorrow and harmonized it with the harp of happiness
Am on a duet with life
Her poetry is still a mystery
Her lines gave life only for her stanza to take it back
She read me her lines
Made me smile and somewhere in-between my laughter she made me cry
She blessed and cursed
Gave and took it back
The best things in life I got
And the worst pains life inflicted
I live because life choose me
And together we are on a duet

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