Thursday, February 21, 2013

dear heart

This 'heart'
so lonely 'n' quiet
like a cemetery with no light
the wind blows leaving the leaves to the cold, its a free fall
yet the tree stands tall said a soul.
This 'heart' that wishes more than love
but the mind is poor
too poor to stand the force of the wind apart some1 said its a loss.
This 'heart'
would you hold me close
for though the cold
i pose
with the mind waiting for a change of dose.
This 'heart'
oh' this heart
that know no love in path
for friends tried
yet you sighed
for the pain of nothing else but been fried
like a baked cake
put on sale for showcase.
This 'heart' that seems like no one cares
yet there are plenty of dear's
anticipating for a pair
but loony
instead of rosy
let caution be that you ain't bony but fleshy
this 'heart' remember u are my heart
don't tear me apart
but let me be your part
and 'you' my heart
to cherish n hold
even in cold
just be bold
before you'll get old.

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