Friday, October 23, 2015


As soon as Biola clocked thirty, the pressure on her to get married reached fever pitch. She was an extremely hardworking TV personality with the leading entertainment channel in Nigeria. She had over N50 million in her account and ten plots of land. She drove her own Sedan and rented her own house in an upscale part of Abuja. In her view, she had everything and that was why she was constantly tired of the prodding urging her to 'settle down', 'start a family', and to 'become responsible'. She couldn't go anywhere without people reminding her that she was 'advancing in age' and should be worried about 'what people will say.' Though she had lived almost her entire life in Ibadan, she didn't hesitate to move to Abuja when work opportunity came. In her view, she had freedom, blissful freedom. Or so she thought.


Her aunt - Aunty Folake -  called her once a week to remind her that she needed to get married. She laughed and usually responded by telling her that she would.

'Biola mi, you are thirty. Time will not wait for you oh! Your mother might not be worried but the rest of the family is. Ha ahn! When will you have children? Do you want to be old before you give birth? As a nurse who has worked for 25 years, I can categorically tell you that pregnancies of women advanced in age are usually trouble pregnancies and the risk factors for the child are high oh! Is that what you want? Ehn?!' To which Biola would always respond, 'Aunty mi, I will get married soon. Don't worry' after which she would look for the slightest excuse to end the call.

She was surprised at her Aunty Folake's insistence that she marry. Her aunt had been married twice before deciding to settle down with her current husband. She still got angry when she talked about her ex-husbands, especially husband number one. He had deceived her into thinking he was

Tuesday, October 06, 2015


Despite what you see in some diet books and TV programmes, healthy eating can be really straightforward.
A diet based on starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice and pasta; with plenty of fruit and vegetables; some protein-rich foods such as meat, fish and lentils; some milk and dairy foods; and not too much fat, salt or sugar, will give you all the nutrients you need.
When it comes to a healthy diet, balance is the key to getting it right. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.
Most adults in England are overweight or obese. That means many of us are eating more than we need, and should eat less. And it's not just food: some drinks can also be high in calories. Most adults need to eat and drink fewer calories in order to lose weight, even if they already eat a balanced diet.
Food groups in our diet
The eatwell plate shows that to have a healthy, balanced diet, people should try to eat:
plenty of fruit and vegetables
plenty of starchy foods, such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta
some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
some milk and dairy foods
just a small amount of food and drinks that are high in fat and/or sugar
Try to choose a variety of different foods from the four main food groups.
Most people in the UK eat and drink too many calories, too much fat,

Monday, September 28, 2015

Miley Cyrus 'Save The Wolves Campaign '

Just like the Lorax before her, Miley Cyrus is here to speak for the wolves. She has a simple message: please stop slaughtering them.

Cyrus traveled to British Columbia, Canada, this past weekend to visit the Great Bear Rainforest as a guest of the preservation society Pacific Wild.

The wolf cull is an old tradition in which they are hunted in order to protect caribou, for whom wolves are a natural predator. However, unlike deer, wolf meat is not used for food and most of the animal's carcas goes to waste. It's estimated that 15 percent of Canada's wolf population is slaughtered annually; many preservation groups consider the practice barbaric.

"When I first spoke out, I knew in my heart that the wolf cull was wrong," Cyrus said in a post on Pacific Wild's website. "But after this visit, I know science is on my side, not just on the wolf cull, but also on the trophy hunt issue. Both are unsustainable and both are horrific. Both have to end."
The 22-year-old has added preservation to her list of pet projects, on which she is killing

Saturday, September 26, 2015

11 Healthy Eating Habits That Will Change Your Life

came across this good read and needed to share with you guys.
1.       Change Your Eating, Change Your Life
www.usandall.blogspot.comNutrition experts dole out a ton of advice about how to eat well—and, most importantly, not lose your mind doing it. But there are some tips that stand the test of time, and that experts themselves

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hunting Happiness

Living in the right mind is hardest when you try forcing it. Writing in same mood is even worse, so tonight I am here, lost in my emptiness, trying to understand why or how, maybe what is responsible for the way I feel.
Happiness drifted too far  tonight, it’s like watching your own game been played in an empty stadium, no fan, no one to scream and cheer you up so you lost for every time you try to find your

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

OMG! watch what she can do with her mouth

I have seen amazing videos but this one totally got me freaking out loud. For sure, what a man can do, a woman can nail it even better. She definitely murdered him and placed a home work on his tomb stone. 
click to watch video below.


How do I define beautiful with just 200 words?
Teach me how to use just 200 words to impress a lady
How to tell her she looks even prettier than the Mona Lisa
And how shake spear failed to be a poet right after she spoke those very words.
200 words.
How do I put the beauty of words together just using 200 words?
So many things to write about yet

Undying Series prt2

When is it the right time to call it quit? Tell me if it’s before the first blow or right after the last fight? Most times we let situation invade us, letting our consciousness to bleed from things left in a reserve called memories. Memories of when he was Mr. Right, moments when his kisses

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Undying Series

That awkward moment when the weekend felt like waking up on a Monday morning, that moment when right transcends into wrong and you never seem to wake up at the right side of the bed so waking up became a task you dread for every day. When the chills from a cold night held her claws

Friday, September 11, 2015

30 years of marriage

30 years of marriage
30 years of uncertain moments
times turned into moments 
as tears filled the blank spaces
moments they shared
nights when their hearts would collide
a touch of love