Monday, September 28, 2015

Miley Cyrus 'Save The Wolves Campaign '

Just like the Lorax before her, Miley Cyrus is here to speak for the wolves. She has a simple message: please stop slaughtering them.

Cyrus traveled to British Columbia, Canada, this past weekend to visit the Great Bear Rainforest as a guest of the preservation society Pacific Wild.

The wolf cull is an old tradition in which they are hunted in order to protect caribou, for whom wolves are a natural predator. However, unlike deer, wolf meat is not used for food and most of the animal's carcas goes to waste. It's estimated that 15 percent of Canada's wolf population is slaughtered annually; many preservation groups consider the practice barbaric.

"When I first spoke out, I knew in my heart that the wolf cull was wrong," Cyrus said in a post on Pacific Wild's website. "But after this visit, I know science is on my side, not just on the wolf cull, but also on the trophy hunt issue. Both are unsustainable and both are horrific. Both have to end."
The 22-year-old has added preservation to her list of pet projects, on which she is killing
it. Cyrus has also spoken out for gender equality, trans issues, and on behalf of LGBTQ homeless youth.

In a video released showcasing Cyrus's trip, she talks about the experience: "Without me kind of doing the things that sometimes, to me, I get down, like, I can't believe I'm not a biologist and I'm a pop star, that's ridiculous. But you know, it's given me such a platform."
Cyrus is not the only preservationist star speaking out against the wolf cull. Pamela Anderson, ex-Labatt Blue girl and British Columbia native, posted an open letter to her website Thursday, urging British Columbia's premier Christy Clark to reconsider the cull's legality.

"I am deeply disturbed that my beloved province is allowing people to hunt and kill wolves," Anderson wrote. "We all want to restore the populations of endangered caribou, but gunning down wolves is not the answer. ... Caribou are threatened because humans have overdeveloped their habitat. Rather than spending millions in taxpayer dollars to kill more animals, we need to invest in a plan to protect Canada's forestland, which would also preserve the habitats of many other species, offset carbon emissions, and, because the forest acts as a natural water filter, provide everyone with cleaner water. Killing every wolf in the country won't save the caribou if the animals have no protected habitat."

Proving that politics and politicians are 100% not garbage people incapable of reasoned discourse, Clark addressed both Cyrus and Anderson's comments in a press conference. "I want to make sure that Miley knows that I'm willing to sit down and twerk it out,"

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