Tuesday, September 15, 2015


How do I define beautiful with just 200 words?
Teach me how to use just 200 words to impress a lady
How to tell her she looks even prettier than the Mona Lisa
And how shake spear failed to be a poet right after she spoke those very words.
200 words.
How do I put the beauty of words together just using 200 words?
So many things to write about yet
I choose just 200 words
 I would like to tell you about the government but 200 words won’t do it
Maybe I should tell you about the braveness of a father trying to raise his kids
Or the breath taking beauty of a mom when she tries to push
 She pushed her child forth as an unexplained smile brushed through her lips
A smile mixed with pain, a pain brought by the nature's act of child birth
Wait a second; I only have but just 200 words.
I wish 200 words were enough to motivate you into being the king you were meant to become
Yes a born queen so why settle for less?

Why let the world decide for you when no one knows it all but you?

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