Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jada Pinkett defends Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber

Jada Pinkett Smith has come to the defense of a couple young A-listers.
With Justin Bieber hearing it these days - following a pot smoking controversy, a blow up at a photographer and more - Smith penned a Facebook post that didn't mention any star by name.
But whose subject matter was obvious to any celebrity gossip follower.
"It is as if we have forgotten what it means to be young or even how to behave like good ol' grown folk," the actress wrote on Sunday.
"Do we feel as though we can say and do what we please without demonstrating any responsibility simply because they are famous?
"Is it okay to continually attack and criticize a famous 19 year old who is simply trying to build a life, exercise his talents while figuring out what manhood and fame is all about as he carries the weight of supporting his family as well as providing the paychecks to others who depend on him to work so they can feed their families as well?
"Does that render being called a c*** by an adult male photographer as you try to return to your hotel after leaving the the hospital?"
Smith, whose son Jaden is close to Bieber, then turned her attention to Taylor Swift, who has also under fire for her dating life and recently snapping at Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.
"What about being a young woman in her early twenties, exploring the intracacies [sic] of love and power on the world stage?
"Should we shame a young woman for displaying a sense of innocence as she navigates through the murky waters of love, heartbreak, and fame? Are these young people not allowed to be young, make mistakes, grow, and eventually transform a million times before our eyes?"
Overall, Jada asks: Are we bullying our young artists?
What do you think, THGers? Does the actress raise a few good points here? Or is this just all part of playing the fame game?

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