Monday, March 04, 2013


Finaly she sleeps,
from drunkeness she rests,
her Self dripping with d last drops of wine frm d empty bottle
A troubled soul that seeks solace in d bottle,
at peace finally in Nature's stressless nestle...
Her once fair skin scarred by the whips of heartbreak,
bleached by endless exposure to tear-filled cold nights...
Tormented by puberscent aspirations of love and the truth of misguided, misplaced emotions...
Her true love;
hatred, revenge anger tears the offspring of that union...
Revenge! Yes vengeance she seeks,
for every hurt, every pain, every blow that transformed her once beautiful face to a scarred, scarry mask...
So she writes him a note,
and with a smile she pulls the trigger,
first on their offsprings then on herself...
Now she rests, not in d drowning bottle, but in Nature's stressless nestle

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