Monday, February 18, 2013

Today’s tomorrow

Today’s tomorrow
Today he wrote a poem
A translation of his after life
A beautifully saddened poetry
With every stroke of beauty
He wrote of his ugliness
A disturbed mind with no heart
A popular act with no audience
Today he wrote tomorrow
A poetry understood by the future
With the tear in his eyes he reminisced about yesterday
When life still had a rhythm
Where has the songs gone to?
Where’s home in the midst of these highly rated building?
Where spring has sprang to
Why is winter so hot?
Even the butterfly has lost its wings
The rainbow no longer burns with her seven beauties
With the realities of his present nightmare
He dreamt of a perfect tomorrow
A tomorrow he wishes to live today
He wishes to travel to a world beyond ours
Where galaxies are formed and stars are born
A place where humans play gods
And time floats on the wings of our lips
Where words are actions
And actions are thought
He dreams only to wake up to reality
To earth where he belongs…

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