Wednesday, February 27, 2013


In my thoughts I hear foot steps
The movement of a walking man
Could it be my landlord? Gallantly heading for my door Hoping to throw me out for a rent I can’t afford
 Knock knock Someone is at the door
My legs felt weak in fear of what might occur
Could it be my landlord or possible my next door neighbor
Knock knock and everything goes silent
In my thought I hear the phone ring
As I take a walk through my imaginary kingdom
Could that be my mom or a ring ring from my extravagant lover hoping to serve me another day’s doom?
 I fear for her For her words are billed by the second
 The aftermath of her affections left me empty
And in an alarming rate, my wallet cries money
Ring ring my phone rings Tempted to pick but scared of the news it might bring
Could it be my landlord or possibly my next door neighbor
Ring ring my phone rings
Could it be my mother or my extravagant lover?
In my thoughts I hear the car pull out outside
Just a single door slammed meaning my visitor came alone
Not expecting anyone so I guess it might not be good
Peeeeeeeeeeeep peeeeeeeeeeeeep My visitor horns for me to come out
Could it be another mobile marketer trying to sell me his product Or could it be my partner from work Or perhaps the dude from yesterday’s basketball game trying to squash a beef
I’ve never been so terrified that all I want is to flee
Knock knock Could it be my landlord or possibly my next door neighbor
Ring ring Could it be my mother or my extravagant lover?
Peeeeeeeeeeep peeeeeeeeeeeeeep Could it be the mobile marketer or the dude from yesterday’s basketball?
Peeeeeeeeeeeeep peeeeeeeeeeeeeep He horns but I couldn’t find the door
In my thoughts I hear voices
Like a million crowd with no ethnic resemblance, they spoke at the same time
A million voices with one exception In my head I hear images
Images of a better life with death as its gateway
Could it be death finding pleasure with my thoughts?
Or it could be my time is now
Knock knock Could it be my landlord or possibly my next door neighbor
Ring ring Could it be my mother or my extravagant lover?
Peeeeeeeeeeep peeeeeeeeeeeeeep Could it be the mobile marketer or the dude from yesterday’s basketball?
Knock knock
With courage I finally opened Behold it was just a dream!

1 comment:

  1. Knock knock am at your door... Beautiful poetry! Didn't know you write this well. Keep up!
