Thursday, February 21, 2013

dairy of a dead woman [wishes and pains]

She sits at ease,yes! but with pain stretched face like a crack on a wall
her eyes is a little bright,with smiles of a bitter sweet sun that stands tall.
I see her i wept but now i weep not
for her tainted bright eyes tell the tales of a weeping sun,at last her guarded deary secret has shown its face in the face of the sun
though as black as pot, for she kept it icily hot,
at first no one knows her little sorrow
until sorrow locked her oily gold
i think from the south
she cried and sighed and asked the Gods why?
who would help her child when she sails out to fry
when hate lies on their faces and other mothers crave for her place as corruption eats her oily golden cave
for her children are pesticide and love lay in waste,
needless wonder a pupil said 'love is suicide'
she cried and sighed
when religious bigot eats her out
with sweetening bitter savoring mouth
for love has gone to whores and money is adored,
little to say the bible cried and the scriptures sighed
for her worshipper

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